Almost every brochure you find from this area boasts of the sunsets. This is a typical reason why. You've seen several sunsets on my site. Each one unique and a beauty in it's own. No two are ever the same.
It is truly amazing. All you need is a clear vista and knowing what time the sun sets. But if you want to remember it, bring your camera.
Thank you for visiting my site. I consider myself to be lucky living where I do. Everyday I wake up to a wealth of interesting visual scenarios. Most of my pictures are Wildlife and Nature taken from around the area. The area specifically being Fort Frances Ontario on beautiful Rainy Lake. Feel free to comment on what you see. I look forward to hearing from you. If you like what you see, please rate it. Better yet, bookmark the site and drop back often. I will be posting daily.
All images are copyrighted by Lee Oelke Photography. They cannot be reproduced, electronically, or by printing without my written consent. Should you be interested in any of my images, please contact me.
@Alun Lambert: Thank you
@r00t: Thank you.
@Elena Kotrotsou: Thank you.
@lydia: Thank you.
@Mithun Varma: Thank you.
@JanW: Thank you.
@jamesy: Thank you.
@Zing: Thank you.
@Sarah: Thank you Sarah.
@Anthony Morgan Lambert: Thank you Anthony.
@Hidalgo: Thank you.
@Baby Sis: Thank you. You are welcome.
@Denise: Thank you. Sunsets are peaceful and quiet.
@Lorraine: Thank you Lorraine.
@mohkum: Thank you.
@Ravi: Thank you.
@grouser: Thank you.
@Craig: Thank you.
@Eric Cousineau: Thank you.
@Craig@Random Ramblings: Thank you Craig. I find this time of day to be very peaceful. There's a hush that develops as the sun gets lower and lower. Then just after the light is gone, the silence becomes deafening.
@Veronelle: Thank you very much
@Eleftheria: Thank you.
@Susan: Thank you Susan.
@Elora: Thank you.
@Veronique: Thank you. Any time except November thru March. Bears are Hibernating, and birds have flocked off south. But, you are still welcome.
@Tracy: Thank you Tracy.
@roentarre: Thank you very much.
@Tracy: Yes Tracy, that is correct. Up here we see them in groups of a hundred or more. They group with cormorants when fishing. It is a sight to see. Several hundred black and white birds driving the fish into the shallows. Then feasting frantically.
@kisskool: Thank you.
@vu@granby - Wolfgang: Thank you very much.
@LauraS: Thanks Laura.
@Don: Thank you. Each moment is different. And the light changes constantly. It is hard sometimes to decide which shot is better.
@The Big Guy: Thank you very much.
@Loner: Thank you Sonja.
@B. Thomas: Thanks Barbara
@Linda: Thank you.
@Sandrine: Thank you
@john4jack: Thanks Jack. I usually always look for a sunset. If the clouds look like the sun can get under them, I'm on my way to set up.
@Onlymehdi: Thank you.
@eva: Thank you
@Hema Iyer: Thanks Hema. I really enjoy sunrises and sunsets. The colours are so intense.
@dkc: Thank you Dimitris.
@Viewfinder: Thank you Glenn
@Bill Brown: Thank you very much.
@mats: Thanks Mats. Every time I go out, be it morning or evening, I never know what the colour will look llike. But each time I am content with just seeing the colour miraculously appear before my eyes.
@Didier DE ZAN: Thank you very much.
@Magda: Thank you
@Vinman: I have the treat of either sunrises or sunsets. Just depends on what I feel like. Lately I've been addicted to Am3 insted of sunrises.
@shallowregret: The region I live in is named "Sunset Country". We do live up to the name for sure.
@MARIANA: Thank you.
@Earnest: Thank you Earnest